Teaching Experiences


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University of Wisconsin-Madison (2023 – Present)

Working with Dr. Jae-Hyuk Yu, I designed teaching unit called “QTL Adventure” for the undergraduate course “Critical Analyses in Microbiology”. Students will understand how host genetics modulate gut microbial traits and affect host physiology through reading and the Nature Microbiology paper “Genetic mapping of microbial and host traits reveals production of immunomodulatory lipids by Akkermansia muciniphila in the murine gut” by Zhang et al. (2023). Students will learn why A. muciniphila, a gut microbe, is linked to immunomodulation through production of ornithine lipids in mice and humans and how different experimental approaches such as metagenomics and lipidomics were used to discover the relationship.

North Carolina State University (2017 – 2019)

I created and delivered a 90-minute lecture on bone metabolism and how calcium and phosphorus were important for bone physiology to graduate students.

I was a GTA for 2 semesters of distance education sections and 1 semester for the in-class section. For the distance education sections, I graded assignments and answered posts in the online discussion forum. With the in-class section, I managed student attendance, wrote essay questions for each exam, and facilitated 1-hour discussion session per week.

For this graduate-level course, I managed the web-component of the class and maintained the course website. I designed and delivered 3 90-minute lectures on the following vitamins:

Thiamin (B1)

Niacin (B3)

Vitamin D

I also corresponded with students and provided them feedback on their term project throughout the semester to help them with their final presentation.

For this undergraduate and graduate-level course, I helped prepare the lab components for the course and with assisted students with handling chickens.  I developed and taught 7 45-minute lectures on the following topics:

Avian Skeleton

Bone Development

Muscle Anatomy and Physiology (Two lectures)

Introduction to Flight

Flight Mechanics

Avian Gut Microbiome

Auburn University (2014 – 2016)

My role as a GTA for 4 semesters and lead lecturer for 9 lab sections was: trained 3 new GTAs with teaching lab sections and helping students, proctoring lecture and lab exams, and preparing lab components for each lab topic. 

This was my first experience as a GTA for 1 semester and lead lecturer for 2 lab sections. trained 3 new GTAs with teaching lab sections and helping students, proctoring lecture and lab exams, and preparing lab components for each lab topic. 

West Hills College Lemoore (2009 – 2011)

My first teaching experience in higher education was tutoring college students. I would tutor students in one-on-one sessions or with group sessions. The courses I tutored were:

Human Anatomy and Physiology


Introductory Chemistry

General Chemistry

Introductory Nutrition